On March 10, 2019, the INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center together with the Tech Academy will hold a meeting of the Hadoop user group in Azerbaijan.
Participation in the discussion of well-known foreign and local experts will focus on the application of Big Data Technologies, stages of Data Analytics and many other important issues.
Speakers of the event will be Abzetdin Adamov, Head of Data Analytics Center ADA University, Zekeriya Beşiroglu, Big Data Analyst at KOMTAŞ Information Management Center in Turkey, the Head of the Oracle Users Group and the winner of the “Oracle ACE Director” award.
In "INNOLAND" Incubation and Acceleration Center the seed round investment made into the "Nextsale" and "Whelp" startups, participants of the winter acceleration program of the SUP "Startap Accelerator.
The investment in these startups was implemented jointly by the "Azfinans" Investment Company, the "Next Step" Innovation Center and Khazar Ventures.
"INNOLAND" İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya Mərkəzinin rezidentləri üçün vebinar təşkil olunub.
Vebinarda Sabancı Universitetinin professoru Berrin Yanıkoğlu süni intellekt sahəsindəki son trendlərdən danışıb.
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