Salyan “INNOLAND” İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya Mərkəzində keçirdiyimiz 3 günlük təlim başa çatdı. "İdeyadan investisiyaya" adlı 3 modullu təlim proqramında iştirakçılara:
İdeya generasiyası
Startap ekosistemi - ənənəvi biznesdən fərqlər
Təqdimat bacarıqları - Nə? Harada? Nə zaman? mövzularında məlumatlar verildi.
Həmçinin, hər modula uyğun vörkşoplar təşkil edildi, iştirakçılar komanda şəklində müxtəlif tapşırıqları icra etdilər.
The delegation of INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center attended the "NGO Digitalization" event in Hungary.
Director of INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center Mammad Karimov spoke at the event.
The delegation also had meetings with the representers of the startup ecosystem in the events held in Budapest, Brussels, and Berlin.
On January 10, 2019, Memorandum of Understanding was signed between INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center, Next Step Innovation Center and SUP Startap Accelerator.
The memorandum covers joint cooperation on the promotion of Incubation and Acceleration projects, the provision of co-working services, and the conduct of educational programs for startups. It also includes an exchange of information and involvement in the organization of other mutual events to attract local and foreign investors.
The importance of the incubation service in establishing a sustainable startup ecosystem in our country, as well as the role of the acceleration service in shaping new national startup brands outside the country.
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