14 June, 2023

Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş forum keçirilib

Taskilled, Wegros, Testedweb və E-legal startaplarımız Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti yanında Vətəndaşlara Xidmət və Sosial İnnovasiyalar üzrə Dövlət Agentliyinin və Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirliklərinin Kabinet İşləri Nazirliyinin birgə təşkilatçılığı ilə Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş forumda iştirak ediblər.

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Other news

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İmkanlar sənə doğru!

Azərbaycan Respublikasının Gənclər Fondunun təşkilatçılığı ilə “İmkanlar sənə doğru!” şüarı ilə keçirilən "Səyyar Gənclər Xidməti" layihəsinin Ağdaş rayonunda açılış mərasimi keçirilib.

Açılış mərasimində "INNOLAND" İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya mərkəzi öz stendi ilə təmsil olunub. Mərkəzin və rezident startapların məhsullarından ibarət stend rəsmilərə, tədbir iştirakçılarına, qonaqlara təqdim olunub.

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INNOLAND has started the selection for its first Incubation Program for the new center in Sheki!

During the first week of July mentors and startups from “INNOLAND“ visit the new “INNOLAND“ Sheki to discover new startups. Participants will be introduced to basic entrepreneurial concepts during 2 days of workshops, followed by a Hackathon to apply the newly gained knowledge and put it into practice. The winners of the Hackathon will be accepted to “INNOLAND“ Sheki 6-month Incubation Program including working space in “INNOLAND“ Sheki Coworking.


Selection Criteria

  • over 18
  • basic level of English



Day 1: General Workshops

  • What is a startup?
  • How to come up with a startup idea?
  • Market Research: Why and How?
  • Value Proposition


Day 2: General Workshops

  • Business Model Canvas: Business Modelling, Business Planning
  • Lean Methodology
  • Pitching


Day 3: Start of Hackathon + Speakers

  • Startups from “INNOLAND“ Baku will share their entrepreneurial experience
  • Hackathon will be launched: Ideas put on voting, best 5-6 will be chosen for team forming with a goal to form a startup by the end of the Hackathon


Day 4: Teamwork + Mentoring


  • Selected teams will work on their projects with the support of “INNOLAND“ mentors + “INNOLAND“ Baku startups.


Day 5: Teamwork, Final Presentations + Winner Announcement


  • Half day: Continue teamwork
  • Half day: Final Presentations in front of the jury to determine the top 3 teams

For registration: http://bit.ly/2MWFSQX

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Memorandum was signed between "INNOLAND", "Next Step" and "SUP Akselerator"

On January 10, 2019, Memorandum of Understanding was signed between INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center, Next Step Innovation Center and SUP Startap Accelerator.

The memorandum covers joint cooperation on the promotion of Incubation and Acceleration projects, the provision of co-working services, and the conduct of educational programs for startups. It also includes an exchange of information and involvement in the organization of other mutual events to attract local and foreign investors.

The importance of the incubation service in establishing a sustainable startup ecosystem in our country, as well as the role of the acceleration service in shaping new national startup brands outside the country.

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