"INNOLAND" İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya Mərkəzinin rezidentləri üçün vebinar təşkil olunub.
Vebinarda Sabancı Universitetinin professoru Berrin Yanıkoğlu süni intellekt sahəsindəki son trendlərdən danışıb.
In "INNOLAND" Incubation and Acceleration Center the seed round investment made into the "Nextsale" and "Whelp" startups, participants of the winter acceleration program of the SUP "Startap Accelerator.
The investment in these startups was implemented jointly by the "Azfinans" Investment Company, the "Next Step" Innovation Center and Khazar Ventures.
January 8, 2019, the presentation of the Acceleration of Startups in Agricultural Technologies program, which will be implemented by the INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center of the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan.
The event was addressed by the Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan on innovations Shabnam Mamedova, who noted in her speech that the use of innovations in the agricultural sector had already begun. Among the activities, the Acceleration program will be implemented during the first this year. The program applications has already been announced, which will last until January 20.
At the same time, Sh. Mamedova stressed that support is also provided for start-ups whose technologies and innovations can be applied in other areas.
The event discussed prospects for cooperation between the parties. It was also proposed to conduct incentive and stimulating activities for owners of ideas in the field of agriculture.
Note that INNOLAND is an incubation, acceleration and research center created for the development of the private sector in Azerbaijan, as well as outside, to encourage innovation and expand the startup movement. INNOLAND consists of a coworking center, incubation, acceleration, and the IT Training and Education Center.
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