15 July, 2024

InnoCamp - ASAN könüllülərinin innovasiya düşərgəsi

ASAN Könüllüləri” Təşkilatının təşkilatçılığı ilə həyata keçirilən “InnoCamp - ASAN könüllülərinin innovasiya düşərgəsi” çərçivəsində “Təqdimat bacarıqları” mövzusunda təlim baş tutub.

Təlim zamanı “INNOLAND” İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya Mərkəzinin əməkdaşı Nicat Əmiraslanov tərəfindən təqdimat bacarığı, təqdimat hazırlanması, uğurlu təqdimatın komponentləri, təqdimat növləri, təqdimatın strukturu və biznes plan kimi mövzulardan bəhs olunub və iştirakçıların sualları cavablandırılıb. Komandalar daha sonra təlim boyu hazırladıqları layihələri münsiflər heyətinə təqdim ediblər.

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"INNOLAND" and "Yeni Fikir" have signed a memorandum of cooperation

On March 17, memorandum of understanding signed between "Innovations Center" LLC (INNOLAND), which is subordinate to the State Agency for Citizens Service and Social Innovations under the President of The Republic of Azerbaijan, and “Yeni Fikir” LLC. The purpose of the Memorandum is to support entrepreneurship ecosystems for technological startups in our country and in the regions of Azerbaijan and to implement a high-level partnership that serves the needs of emerging (or other) technology entrepreneurs.

The document, along with the formation and development of technology entrepreneurship, also reflects cooperation issues related to the strengthening of business initiatives. Thus, the content of the Memorandum reflects the factors that are being estimated for the establishment and development of innovation ecosystems in our country, as well as business initiatives.

"Innovations Center" LLC (INNOLAND) cooperates with local and international organizations in accordance with the strategy of the development of innovation ecosystem in our country and in the region, as well as for the development of technology entrepreneurship (startups). As one of such organizations, "Yeni Fikir" LLC is one of the companies operating in the intellectual sector in Azerbaijan and having a specific role in the formation of startup culture.

Thus, the "Yeni Fikir" startup competition, which was held for the sixth time this year, is being implemented by "Yeni Fikir" LLC, sponsored by BP, the Baku Engineering University. The company "Yeni Fikir" cooperates with "Innovations Center" LLC (INNOLAND) in organizing the same startup competition. Five startup projects that will win the competition.

The development of five startup projects that will win the competition will also be supported at the Innoland Incubation and Acceleration Center.


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Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş forum keçirilib

Taskilled, Wegros, Testedweb və E-legal startaplarımız Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti yanında Vətəndaşlara Xidmət və Sosial İnnovasiyalar üzrə Dövlət Agentliyinin və Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirliklərinin Kabinet İşləri Nazirliyinin birgə təşkilatçılığı ilə Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş forumda iştirak ediblər.

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The delegation of "Innoland" had been on a business trip to Hungary

The delegation of INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center attended the "NGO Digitalization" event in Hungary.

Director of INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center Mammad Karimov spoke at the event.

The delegation also had meetings with the representers of the startup ecosystem in the events held in Budapest, Brussels, and Berlin.

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