7 December, 2024

"TakeOFF İstanbul"

"INNOLAND" Mərkəzi startapları ilə birgə regionun ən böyük texnologiya və startap platforması olan "TakeOFF İstanbul" tədbirində iştirak etməyə hazırlaşır!

Tədbirdə ölkəmizi təmsil edəcəyik. Həmçinin texnologiya həvəskarları, startapçılar və investorlarla birgə yeni əməkdaşlıqlara başlayacağıq.

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Other news

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A memorandum was signed between “Youth Inc.” and "INNOLAND"

A memorandum was signed between “Youth Inc.” and "INNOLAND" Incubation and Acceleration Center.

The memorandum was signed by the coordinator of the Entrepreneurial Program “Youth Inc.” Zaur Unsizade and the director of the “INNOLAND” Mamed Karim.

The memorandum is intended for mutual exchange and development of educational and practical methods of both centers.

Along with the exchange of experience and talents, joint demo-tours and training will be organized.

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InnoCamp - ASAN könüllülərinin innovasiya düşərgəsi

ASAN Könüllüləri” Təşkilatının təşkilatçılığı ilə həyata keçirilən “InnoCamp - ASAN könüllülərinin innovasiya düşərgəsi” çərçivəsində “Təqdimat bacarıqları” mövzusunda təlim baş tutub.

Təlim zamanı “INNOLAND” İnkubasiya və Akselerasiya Mərkəzinin əməkdaşı Nicat Əmiraslanov tərəfindən təqdimat bacarığı, təqdimat hazırlanması, uğurlu təqdimatın komponentləri, təqdimat növləri, təqdimatın strukturu və biznes plan kimi mövzulardan bəhs olunub və iştirakçıların sualları cavablandırılıb. Komandalar daha sonra təlim boyu hazırladıqları layihələri münsiflər heyətinə təqdim ediblər.

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Bakcell started cooperation with "INNOLAND"

Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and the Fastest Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan signed a cooperation agreement with the INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan.

At the official signing ceremony, held on December 20th at the INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center, Bakcell CEO Nikolai Beckers has pointed out that application of innovations and supporting startups is one of the main priorities of Bakcell strategy: “It is a known fact that Bakcell is one of the first companies in the country to support various projects aimed at development of startups. Our “AppLab” incubation center is one of the rare environments where some of the country’s most interesting projects are accumulated. I’m confident that our cooperation with the newly opened INNOLAND center will contribute largely to development of the country’s entire startup ecosystem and will become one of the most successful partnerships in the area of innovations”.

Director of the "Innovation Center” Tagi Taghi-Zade spoke about the importance of this cooperation, being a public-private partnership. It was noted that the main goal of this partnership is to support entrepreneurship ecosystems for technology startups in our country and to implement high-level cooperation that serves the needs of emerging technology entrepreneurs. Cooperation between parties will have a great significance in terms of establishing a startup culture in Azerbaijan, developing a spirit of innovative entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems, supporting existing initiatives, creating conditions for the application of innovative initiatives in the current economic processes of the country, forming a motivating factor for the development and creation of various discoveries and other innovations.

It should be noted that INNOLAND is an incubation, acceleration and research center created to develop the private sector, promote innovation and expand the startup movement both in Azerbaijan and beyond its borders. INNOLAND consists of the Co-working, Incubation, Acceleration and IT Training and Education Center.

The AppLab program of Bakcell will from now on function as an Acceleration Center to continue supporting the startup project in a broader format. Since the year 2014, local startups and developers engaged in creation of various hardware and software receive support from Bakcell for implementation of their ideas.

Being a known leader in innovation, Bakcell constantly supports the local startups, as well as project implemented in the area of education, science and technology.

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